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Our Mission

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  • To establish and develop the new discipline of Ecotechnics which deals with the relationships between the ethnosphere, technosphere, and the biosphere.
  • To design, develop, and implement programs and projects conducive to furthering the discipline of Ecotechnics.
  • To hold conferences where practitioners of different disciplines exchange results of their work to assist in the formulation of a local or planetary program to deal with major ecological problem areas.
  • To provide eco-technical consulting in applications of restoration ecology.
  • To promote public participation through educational programs about Ecotechnics; especially at interfaces of cultures, art and theater. 
  • To disseminate and publish useful results of such investigations and research to the greater public.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”— Margaret Mead



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